Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What is your hurry?

College campuses are all plagued by this one strange phenomenon, and I mean no offense by this, but the asian students, typically the ones from overseas, run everywhere. I'm fairly certain this could be a part of why they are all so tiny, that and I've seen what they eat for lunch, our entire building smells like their lunch too. I once was having a conversation with a friend outside of a graduate organic chem spec class I took last winter, class didn't start for another 10 minutes and the class that was in there before us was still filtering out. We were ironically having a conversation about this very topic, trying to decide if perhaps they were just a chronically late people. Mid-sentence, an asian girl comes jogging down the hallway and shoves her way into the classroom. She was in our class, which didn't start for another 10 minutes. So this continues to baffle me. Maybe I should start his habit, then I'll weigh 100 pounds.

While we're on the subject of abnormal social behaviors, how about people who need a mute button. There's some engineers out there who just lack in the social department. I'll pause for a moment for you to gasp in surprise. The ones who really drive me nuts are the ones who just NEVER SHUT UP. It's like word vomit 24/7; like you and some friends are having a nice little chat about some random subject, and they come in and beat the subject to death. If only we could have a mute button or silencio actually worked. Alas.

I rode Polo tonight and I got to the barn late so I had the whole place to myself. It was lovely.

How precious is he? If it wasn't such a monumental waste of horse I'd take him to grad school and let him live in a field and trail ride him, I think he would rather enjoy it. But that would be an epic waste of a capable young horse, lo siento Polo.

Chemistry fun fact of the day: More cool shit being done with nanoparticles is today's topic. Nanoparticles can be used to create coatings for surfaces that are extremely hydrophobic, meaning they frickin' hate water. Water touches them and they bounce that shit off like a bouncer presented with a bad fake, although it is fun to watch the sorry suckers leave. Anywho. So the advantage of this is you can incorporate the nanoparticles in to stuff like clothing fibers or a coating for windows and you end up with items that are essentially self cleaning or super resistant to getting dirty. Rumor has it there's a self cleaning window coating in the works that photo-initiates (you know what this is now as I've discussed before, oh look, learning!), releases a radical and essentially soaps itself. The goal is to use it on skyscrapers and other such unnecessarily large buildings that are a bitch to clean. Can we have a nanoparticle spray for ponies, so they are resistant to poo stains? Take that, Lemony's white hock.

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