Monday, February 1, 2010

Power to the math nerds.

I have discovered the ultimate time vacuum, and it's called Holy. Crap. I wasted like a solid 2+ hours on that last night when I was supposed to be studying for my Beer & Wine in Western Culture midterm. Ha, right like I needed to study for that let's be honest. Omegle is this chat...thing, it's totally anonymous it just says You and Stranger and you can disconnect and move on to a new stranger at anytime. So of course you get your fair share of creepers, the very first person I opened a chat with started with "I'm touching myself" so I accused him of being 40 and living in his mother's basement. He got mad. I laughed. He disconnected. Off to an excellent start I thought. I ended up meeting a nice girl from Australia, a sexually frustrated poli sci student in DC and a dude who appreciates proper grammar as much as I do. I also had the pleasure of chatting with a 15 year old girl who was really concerned with whether or not a boy in her bible class was like, cute, or like do you think he's gay? Can guys be bi? *headdesk*.

Overall, a highly productive evening.

Otherwise my weekend was pretty much the usual, I rode, I saw avatar for a 2nd time (my roommate and I just friggin' love that movie) and I slept. A lot. I just can't resist the flannel sheets in the winter. I've taken to leaving my door open at night so the dog can sleep on the floor by my bed and so the rabbit can GTFO in the mornings and run laps of the living room and not drive me nuts by waking me up 10 minutes before my alarm goes off (see a previous entry). Thusly I've avoided having to make rabbit stew. I'm sure many are disappointed. He'd make a lovely pair of gloves too.

I'm on my log in on campus in the chemical engineering building...let's see what pictures I have saved on here...

Ah ha, one of my favorite pictures of Buddy. That is a rabbit in side a grocery bag, not like a little brown lunch bag, a grocery bag.

I also have...

That's my favorite math/nerd joke ever. I even have that on a tshirt. I am that cool.

On that note...Chemistry fun fact of the day: well while we're on the subject of math we'll have a math fun fact today. Try and control your excitement. So I figure everyone is at least familiar with the fibonacci sequence (DaVinci Code, anyone?) which is the series of numbers starting with 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21...etc. If you're unfamiliar with it look at that series of numbers until you figure out the pattern, it's quite simple. If you don't figure out the pattern then you kind of fail as a human because the human brain is the best pattern recognizer in the world. So what's nifty with this is that if you take the ratio of successive terms in the sequence you get what's called the golden ratio, which is 1.618. This ratio is seen in nature all over the place. One of the best examples is the human body, ratios such as: length of face to width of face, length of lips to width of nose, length of forearm to length of hand, or distance from tip of finger to elbow and from wrist to elbow. All of these ratios are approximately 1.618, and there are many more on the human body. Other examples are sunflowers or daisies, the florets which comprise them spiral out from the center in increasing numbers of...the fibonacci sequence. Pine cones show this also. We also find objects with this ratio very visually appealing. You know what that means? Your brain secretly loves math and never told you. You feel a bit dirty now, don't you. Score one for math.

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