Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My body should boycott riding.

Injuries are tricky suckers. Some heal up nicely, and some are like I'm healed! Nah...actually...I'm not. I've got a variety of injuries like that from riding, the kind that will haunt me forever. When I was a freshman in high school, I got rocket launched from an asshole 3 year old that the manager never should have brought home from the auction and landed curled over on my lower back. I'm not entirely sure how I landed that way, but I'm fairly certain it involved rather impressive gymnastics I could never intentionally accomplish. That is one of two falls (of like...90...some-odd...lifetime falls) in which I could not immediately stand up (the other was a concussion, took me 10-15 minutes to get up. I even got back on after that one...that..was unwise). The end result of my acrobatics was, as I found out a year later because I could not lay on my stomach without intense lower back pain (as a 15 year old) was a torn tendon, which gone untreated initially, healed crooked. Whoopsies. Riders are incredibly stubborn about getting injuries looked at and we frequently ride with a plethora of them. And we wonder why things don't heal.

Alright so tally 1 is a crooked tendon in my lower back which causes very location specific pain if I'm fatigued, super stressed, feverish, or just for funsies!

Fast forward to college about two summers ago when I was riding really intensely, my right shoulder muscle, right over the shoulder blade, spasmed. It was a fist sized inflammation and it pushed on a nerve and made my right arm numb and my fingertips blue. Awesome! I was given muscle relaxers, did physical therapy for two weeks, and didn't ride for one. That one is easily aggravated again, I've had it spasm at least twice since then but to a lesser degree than that first time. It's actually bothering me the past couple days I think from an intense lesson on sunday. Super. That was actually part of why this entry is all about my collection of injuries. And because it's my blog and I can't talk about whatever the hell I want to. So suck on that.

My last stubborn never leaving me injury is my right ankle I sprained last June. I did a damn good job twisting it in the stirrup in a fall. I'm not sure I ever totally let it heal either. Right after I sprained it I hobbled around with a lace up brace on it in a 5 week lab I had to take (yes, in the summer, it blew). I also rode on it a couple times during those 5 weeks, probably not the best idea. Winter has been rough for that, it's stiff a lot. I can't sit with my right foot under my left thigh for the extended periods of time I used to, which bums me out because that's my main way of sitting in this weird little desks at school. Ah, to be short.

Since we're mostly talking about falling off a horse, here's a picture of a random person falling off a horse:

That horse is also super cute. And I hope she pulled her arm in and rolled on her shoulder or she probably did some real damage. Most of the time we fall and aren't actually injured, with the possible exception of our pride.

Chemistry fun fact of the day: Let's talk about sex! Now you'll have that god-awful Salt n Peppa song stuck in your head all night. Ha. Anyway. So sex drive is apparently all in your head, ontrolled by neurotransmitters, or chemicals in the brain. A class of anti-depressents are serotonin inhibitors, and apparently they can cause a sex drive shut down, which seems counter productive to me if you're depressed I would probably prescribe a good romp in the sheets. On the other hand there's other drugs that affect the dopamine in the brain which can cause excessive sex drive. Maybe rabbits have an excess of dopamine in their brains? Just a thought. I'd ask Buddy but I had his nuts removed before he knew what they were for.

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