Thursday, February 11, 2010

My brain is tired.

I hate night exams. I hate having to spend all day on campus studying, not studying, listening to my friends talk about shit I'm not sure I know but should know and in general being tired. So by the time the exam finally rolls around my brain feels fuzzy and I'm tired and have a headache. Those are not my ideal exam taking conditions.

Whatevs it's over and I'm a graduating senior who's been ACCEPTED BY A GRAD SCHOOL! So now I'm just going to maintain haha. Auburn University in Alabama has given me an offer, they're the first school I've heard from. I'm going to visit them March 4-6 I'm pretty excited to see it in person.

So awkward story time. I was in our ChemE building in a computer lab with a collection of friends studying this evening and we were all getting rather slap happy. Some how sex came up as a joke, I believe I said something fucking something in relation to the exam, and one girl misheard me or something. She strikes me as uber prude so anytime sex comes up she makes awkward jokes and commented on it I responded with "well it'd be more fun than this damn exam". She then proclaimed to the entire computer lab I was organizing an orgy. I'm not sure how she came to that conclusion, but it was high-larious as my friend Andrew, who has a very similar sense of humor as me goes "another one?" to which I responded with "oh he attends all of them". We very promptly made the originator of the statement feel super awkward. Win.

I totally forgot Valentine's Day is this weekend. That annoys me because it means the mall will be busy and I was totally feeling the mall on Saturday. As I told Shane, he asked why I want to go to the mall, and my response was girls just get mall cravings, back off. Maybe I'll rope a girlfriend into going and we'll watch all the middle school couples walk around holding hands and make conspicuous retching noises. Yes, that sounds like an excellent use of my day.

In light of this upcoming fake lame-ass non-holiday: For all of your nerdy entertainment needs. Sort of at least.

Chemistry fun fact of the day: I'm going to investigate food cravings because I have a cravings problem. I tend to get intense food cravings that when I can't satiate it immediately with something in the house I just eat everything else in sight. It's obnoxious. So let's figure out where they come from, shall we? So apparently, our cravings are controlled by interactions between our stomach, brains and hormones. Ha, chocolate is the most craved food in America, surprised? Me neither. So in general hunger cravings which come from the brain are for fatty and sugary foods, and this is apparently because these kinds of foods release a chemicals called opioids into our bloodstream. Apparently the gift of these chemicals is they give us feelings of pleasure and sometimes even euphoria. Well hot damn. No wonder we're all getting fat. Fatty sugary foods are cheaper and easier to get than ever before when a random craving strikes, this I certainly am aware of *pokes stomach* yep, quite aware. Why can't fruits and veggies make us feel euphoric. Sounds like a mother nature fail to me.

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