Thursday, January 14, 2010

I prefer animals that can't vomit.

We are dogsitting until mid February for my roommate's grandma. So we have an elderly mutt with us who really is delightfully stupid and easy to care for, when he's not vomiting. He's upchucked four times today.

This is part of why I love having a rabbit, he can't vomit, rabbits are physically incapable of vomiting (downside, hairballs can kill them). Horses also can not vomit, neck is too long and gravity's a bitch. Consequently neither can giraffes, yes, I know you immediately thought of that next, it's like I've got espn or something.

I just saw a commercial for "The Pregnancy Pact", a show about a group of high school girls who made a pact to all get pregnant. What. The. Fuck. There is no good reason for that, other than sheer stupidity. Honestly it should be legal to remove people from the gene pool for the betterment of society. It happens in the natural world, stupid zebra makes a bad choice, he gets eaten by a lion. Stupid lion picks a fight he shouldn't, he gets impaled by an angry buffalo.
If you've never watched that, you should. Looks like bad decision day by the lions to me, it's the famous lions take down baby buffalo who falls into water which crocodile tries to steal which lions save from the crocodile then the buffalo gang up on the lions to save the baby and...well I won't ruin the ending for you.

We need a picture today, so here we go.

Now let me just tell you something about my horse Polo. He's kind of weird. If he were human, he would be in to all the kinky whips and chains and bondage stuff. He loves anything to do with his nose and mouth. Poke it, pull on it, hit it, whatever. The harder and the more you hit it the happier he is. So my good friend Louise is...poking him in the nose. Much to his joy.

I have strange animals in my life. My horse likes to be beaten, my pony eats bean burritos, and my rabbit is 18 pounds.

At least the dog is asleep now.

Chemistry fun fact of the day: This is kinda cool I learned this in my polymer nanotechnology class the other day. There's two kinds of polymers, thermoplastics and thermosets. Thermosets are one giant networked molecule. An example is a rubber tire. Rubber tires are one HUGE networked molecule. Think about that, polymers are kinda like connected spaghetti on a really wee scale. Tires are one MASSIVE collection of connected and networked and branched spaghetti forming ONE SINGLE molecule. Which is why it's really difficult to dispose of them, because thermosets do not break down like thermoplastics to a state in which you can reuse them (like melting down plastic and reshaping it). Although hacked in to little pieces they make a great addition to high tech arena footing for horse stables. Yeah that's right, I brought it back to ponies. It's a gift.

1 comment:

  1. haha, genius connection between polymers and ponies. However they do alliterate each other.
