Sunday, January 24, 2010

Smart friends are fun.

I love having friends who are smarter than I am and/or have better work ethics than I do. Last friday, when I whined about having been on campus all day doing homework, is providing me with great pleasure now. Right now I am plopped on the couch, further widening the dent in it, watching the Saints play the Vikings and repeatedly poking the cat. All thanks to having a friend who insisted we finish an entire assignment on friday that isn't due until tomorrow night. So thank you to her for having a far better work ethic than my generally procrastinating self does.

Don't you just love the phase of a cough where you're hacking up mucus? It's just so lovely. Especially when you're in a situation where you can't just spit it out and get to swallow it. I'll let you enjoy that thought for a second...

...Nice, isn't it?

I really, really hate facebook groups made by teenage children which have improper grammar or word usage in the title. I'm fairly certain the current 13-17 generation is actually opposed to using the proper form of their, there and they're and knowing the difference between to and too, lose and loose, amongst others. I had one I know say she was soar to me. That's....what birds do. Birds soar. You can be sore, but you can't soar. Unless you've sprouted wings recently or your horse bucks you off in to a spectacular trajectory. Do these kids not read? Ever? Maybe it's just that I have an incredibly low stupid tolerance. Or they're that dumb. Probably both.

The Ohio State Hunt Seat Team had a horse show this weekend at Ohio University, and it went really well. These horse shows are weird because at the beginning of the day you draw a horse's name out of an envelope and that's the horse you show and you get no practice time. I've got a gift for picking the biggest horse in the class, and looking like a peanut perched a top it. Our old coach coined a lovely song that goes "little girl on a big horse" to the tune of...well I'm not really sure. Yesterday's picture was a good example of that. And so is today's.

That's from a couple years ago, I'm "human lunge lining" Mongo, this unnecessarily large thing one of our clients had. He's now doing the big eq with some girl somewhere else in the country. I believe I'm riding in my please-don't-spook-because-I-can't-stop-you-if-you-do position. When he did spook I then went into the other classic little girl on a big horse position we like to call waterskiing, meaning your feet kicked out in front you leaning back with your hands in the air, which usually still does not result in stopping the horse.

Chemistry fun fact of the day: Today we're going to learn about diethylene glycol, because it's an interesting compound with a ton of uses and is toxic. I think some of the most interesting uses of it are as a humectant for various things like cigarettes or cosmetics (there's two things you want in the same sentence, eh?). Humectants absorb water from air so they, obviously, keep things moist. I find it really interesting that diethylene glycol is not allowed in food and drugs because it is indeed toxic, although there's quite a bit of debate about how toxic it is (how many mg/kg of body weight would be bad news bears, there is no definitive answer at the moment, I think, but no worries it is in fact a poison!). I'm sure the amounts used in cosmetics and cigarettes are low but that's just further proof that cigarettes are FUCKING BAD FOR YOU, and oral ingestion is more effective than dermal (through your skin). It's also a component of antifreeze. Makes you wonder what kind of crap is in stuff you use everyday. Antifreeze in your toothpaste? Could be. Yum.

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