Friday, January 22, 2010

You can't make me.

I'm a huge homebody. My ass and my couch have a love hate relationship. They love to be together but the couch hates the permanent indent. Which has gotten wider since the first year I lived here. Woops. It's thusly hard to convince my lazy ass to go out unless I've been exceptionally lazy lately or it's something I really want to do.

I don't even have any good pony updates because I haven't left the house all friggin' week until today. Sweet, blessed freedom. And what thrilling adventures did I have on my first day of freedom? I did homework. For five hours. In a computer lab on campus. Behold the excitement that is me. It's overwhelming, I know. I may need to sit on the couch for awhile until I am less whelmed.

That's me on Rueben, the biggest horse we have at the barn. He's fun. He also doesn't steer (yet). My roommate rides him better than I do, his size freaks me out. I prefer my horses to be wee and smaller.

Chemistry fun fact of the day: Chloroflourocarbons (CFC's) are made of, get this, chlorine, flourine and carbon. No I'm not done there a chem 101 student could probably figure that out. Actually, that might be a generous assumption. Anyway, chloroflourocarbon is what one would call volatile, it's most problematic reaction is it's photo-induced ability to spit out a chlorine, meaning some sunlight touches it and carbon gets its panties in a wad and says f*ck off chlorine and sends chlorine out the door with nothing but a spare radical. Rude, really. This chlorine then takes its radical and cries to ozone and tells it dirty lies and convinces it to change to oxygen (Ozone: O3, oxygen: O2. Pretend those are subscripted numbers). Oxygen doesn't absorb UV rays as well as ozone does, hence thinning of the ozone layer. CFC's used to be used in all kinds of things like as a propellant in aerosol cans, hence why people were like omg hairspray is ruining the ozone layer. They make such items without CFC's now, but it's much more fun to think of Snooki walking around with her own personal hole in the ozone layer above her. Although I'm not sure she's tall enough for that to happen. Her poof might be though.

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