Friday, January 15, 2010

Ouchtown, population: my butt.

Holy cow, am I sore. I got suckered into a work out class at noon called "whole body sculpt" aka death by exercise. There was running involved, let me tell you if there's something my short legged, sway backed, large butt physique is not for, it's running. So off to a great start with the go run and skip and knee high your sorry ass around the gym 4000 times. Or like...6 but whatever. Then we did suicides and squats with a weight ball and so and so forth and more squats and why are we still squatting and oh good lunges now my thighs are excited for a break and jog it off? Why are we jogging again? How are you people chatting casually? Ack. Good news is I probably burned more calories in that one class than I did all week doing whatever else.

I was so grotesque after that I decided to not go sleep through class and just went home and then off to the barn to ride Polo and a friend's horse. And then I got suckered in to riding a third horse, (I've got to figure how to not get suckered into these things so easily) who is being rehabbed (the horse is), and is also being a giant asshole in the process. So I nearly had my arms pulled out of their sockets for a half hour trotting his sorry butt up and down the long walls of the arena, all the while my thighs are basically laughing at me for how intensely miserable they plan on making me tomorrow.

At least the other two were good today.

Dog vomit update: 0 times today. Thank god, the piece of crap carpet in this apartment can't handle much more.

One thing my short stubby ass is good for: schooling ponies. Which produces pictures like this gem:

That pony is Buzz. He is maybe 12.2 hands, which for non-horsey people: he's frickin' small. He's the kind of pony an 8 year old rides. And I fit him rather nicely there. Alas, to have grown after sixth grade.

Chemistry fun fact of the day: Shear thickening is an interesting phenomenon, it's counter intuitive to how you think a pile of goop might react. Goop that is shear thickening, under low velocities or forces, the goop will flow easily with a low viscosity, which means "resistance to flow". But at higher forces, they "shear thicken" or become very high viscosity (refuse to flow). Have some corn starch? Pour some corn starch in a small bowl and add water and mix. Stick a finger in and just let it sit there, don't push. The goop will suck it in really easily. Now jab at it with your finger, the surface is hard. If you had like...a bathtub full of corn starch and water, you could run across it and not sink in, walk slowly and get stuck. You would notice how if you stuck your finger in and let it sink, if you try and yank it out, it's kinda stuck. Pull slowly, comes out easily. A current research aim with shear thickening polymers and materials is body armor. You could ideally create a super lightweight bullet proof vest that way amongst other death-inducing-proof items. I've got no way to apply this to ponies. Yet. Give me time I'll come up with something. Maybe that's my ticket to millions...

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