Wednesday, January 13, 2010

That was an unnecessarily long day

Holy fricking long day. Four classes + one programming review session = I'm pooped. My right contact also boycotted my vision for most of the day so I spent a lot of it looking at things sideways.

The cat and dog are on the couch asleep right now, I may vomit from cuteness.

That's Lemons in winter turnout from a few years ago. She loves snow. In fact the first time we got a big snow fall in New Jersey* I almost carried my dad to the car to drive me to the barn so I could ride in it. And as soon as I got on and walked into the snow covered ring (and I mean like a foot of snow) Lemony promptly tried to roll in it. It was all I could do to get myself and my saddle off first. Rotten pony.

How to make friends with Lemony: present her with food. Carrot, apple, nutrigrain bar, taco bell bean burrito and/or mild sauce (she'll eat the sauce straight). Once she pulled a lady's dunkin donuts bag in to her stall and ate the chocolate chip muffin that was in it, without eating the bag, the wax paper, or the paper wrap on the muffin.

If my days weren't so damn lame I'd have more to talk about, but since this trend of Emily-is-uber-boring doesn't look like it will end anytime soon I'll probably just continue to regale you with pony related stories. I could talk about school and being a chemical engineer but then I would put us both to sleep.

Chemistry fun fact of the day: You can disarm a bomb with liquid nitrogen. Avoid cutting the blue wire? That's a hollywoodism. But the typical battery operated bomb can be disarmed with liquid nitrogen, it freezes the battery and stops the electrons in it from moving and stops the timer. You know where I learned that one? Manswers. Who knew men could be useful.

*I grew up in NJ. No fist pumping involved.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree. Your days might have been lame before but those are over. You've made yourself a lot cooler by blogging. Consider this, you could encounter a friend tomorrow who asks how your day was and you could respond by saying you just blogged about it. This could spark enough curiosity in them for you to have one more follower.
