Monday, January 25, 2010

Not enough work?

I'm not used to having quarters this friendly. I'm used to drowning in a work load and wanting to die of hours upon hours of homework and barely getting enough sleep. This quarter I actually find myself thinking that I need more work because I'm bored at night.

And then I repeatedly hit my head on the wall until that feeling goes away.

Mostly I think I'm just annoyed because there isn't a damn thing on tv tonight.

Do you see this adorable, smug looking animal, sleeping in his dog bed? Yeah he's going to become dinner, as my whole family actually calls him, if he keeps getting under my bed, ten minutes before my alarm is supposed to go off, and destroying things. This morning he so badly shredded a magazine (that I haven't read yet) that I can't even figure out where the cover to it is. You should see the damage he's done to the box spring, I'm fairly certain he's been IN the box spring actually.

Oh yes, bunny stew is sounding lovely about now.

Chemistry fun fact of the day: Viruses are actually extremely advanced nanotechnology. Envision something so tiny that it can enter your blood stream, attach itself to a blood cell, and inject it's, well it's bad dna essentially into the blood cell. This is what engineers dream of being able to do someday with nanotechnology. They've actually attempted to take the virus vessels and remove their bad dna and insert good things, and send them into living bodies to do what they do. Alas, every time they've tried to do it with a human (once in the US, a few times in the UK) those suckers have said yeaaah f*ck this plan, I'm gonna do my own thing if that's ok, and promptly killed all the patients. The FDA banned that shit for humans so fast the scientists couldn't even defog their safety goggles. Definitely interesting stuff though and it'll remain as an engineering fantasy forever, or until nanotechnology actually gets there.

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