Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weh weh weh.

Everyone, meaning all two or three readers I have (seriously, how lame are you guys?) are bitching at me to post again. So post I shall. Not really sure wtf about. But here we go.

So what's new...oh well I officially accepted Auburn's offer, so I'm going there for grad school. I'm actually headed there tomorrow with my mom to find a place to live. Kind of excited to see what I can get for my money since the south is so damn cheap. So that's kind of exciting.

My dad is a smug retired engineer. He likes to ask me obnoxious tricky questions, typically at 1 am, which are like...super fundamental shit and mock me when I get them wrong. Like in Germany they built a water bridge. For realsies you can walk down the sides of it and barges and boats go down the middle, and it's a bridge over more water. It's whacky looking google it. Now, for such a bridge, do you need to take into consideration the weight of just the water or the water and the barges that will be going down it? I got it wrong the first time. Because I'm a dumbass and a crappy engineer. My three readers can ponder this and give me an answer in the comments. There I've resorted to begging for comments. COMMENT GODDAMMIT. I have another one, why are manholes round? Don't you dare google it. There's one super simple, really good reason for it. My friend Rob got it. Although I personally liked his answer of "because the teenage mutant ninja turtles have round shells" best, but my dad just put his head in his hands at that one. Smug ass. Took us awhile to get to the correct answer. I personally thought because circles are aesthetically pleasing should have been acceptable but my dad thought not. Again, attempt an answer, I'll give you the answer later. Gotta keep my three readers interested.

Equine update: Polo is still for sale. Buy him. Funny horse story, one of the girls in the barn owns this unnecessarily large athletic beast named Palm. Palm is HUGE. Palm is a giant weenie. Palm doesn't like being in the outdoor arena alone. The girl was taking a lesson on him and the other horse that was in the ring left and he started to have a come apart, so my trainer went and got Lemony out of her stall and stood in the ring holding her. And then Palm was fine. Lemony on the other hand was pretty sure this was not in her original schedule for the day, standing in the ring and watching that big lughead jump. She had better things to do. Like nap. Or eat her bedding. Or nap. She once made herself so fat on eating her bedding she could barely get over a 2'6" jump. We have overindulgence problems in this family.

I'm on my mom's computer, I wonder if there's any fun pictures.

That's me holding a GIANT Hershey's bar at a team horse show. My parents brought it, and as a team we managed to eat the vast majority of it. There's a running joke that horse shows are for getting fat, because all we do is sit around and eat and watch. Yes, that is counterproductive. Also, holy cow I look like a hella unfortunate ginger in that picture. Super. Bonus, Zan makes a guest appearance in this photo (my dad, the large bellied man on the right).

My mother is not very skilled with it comes to taking action shots of me riding, that's one of the best shots she ever got. That's a few years old now.

I'll surf through this computer for more pictures later, I bet I could even unearth some from high school. But that's probably best not seen by anyone. Eesh.

Chemistry fun fact of the day: God what more do you want from me, I already gave you two interesting things to ponder in this entry, you greedy bastards. I'll give you a kinda lame chem fun fact. Honey doesn't spoil. Which for one, is great, cause I'm not sure I've ever finished a jar of honey. But I think the reason I've never finished a jar of honey is the shit crystallizes and becomes too viscous to flow and is crunchy and gross and I throw it away. Anyway, so honey, why does it not spoil? Well honey is a strange item, we could actually live off honey alone because it has no fat or cholesterol, and contains large quantities of fructose and glucose. Which for one, cool, maybe I'll lose ten pounds. For two, gross. The chemistry behind why honey doesn't spoil is because the bees "cure" honey to like 18% water and a lowish pH (3-4). Apparently these conditions make the honey stable for centuries. Really, centuries. The only way to have honey spoilage is if it is left exposed to air the honey will actually ferment due to naturally occurring yeast, and not a cool kind of ferment a gross this-now-tastes-bad kind of ferment. But if you expose honey to air and use the right yeast, you get mead. I had no idea. Nifty.

There, we both learned something.

1 comment:

  1. The Magdeburg Water bridge, eh? I'm going to say just the weight of the water, since the boats going on top of it wouldn't add to the weight, just displace and move around what's already there.
