Sunday, October 23, 2011

One year (+) later...

Holy shiz I forgot this thing existed. Ha, woops. I think there might be only one upset person about this. He knows who he is (btw, how's Vegas?). Let's have a brief rundown of what happened since my last post:

I went to Auburn. For one semester. I then transferred to University of Cincinnati to be close to my parents and be close to... fiance. Weird, right? Some whackadoo wants to marry this! My favorite joke now every time I do something gross or unladylike (like burp, I'm good at burping) is go "oh yeah, a life time of this" and gesture sexually to myself. No worries, he's an engineer. We're effectively squaring the nerdiness in my life (what if we have children?! Our relationship will require a power law!).

The giant bunny and beloved house pet passed away in June 2010, he pulled a suitcase down on top of himself and pretty much killed himself instantly. It was awful. Also, bunnies are not smart.

Polo sold! He now lives happily in Auburn, Alabama in a large field in the sun. He's super duper sunbleached. It's the latest look, all the coolest horses are doing it.

Lemony is still with me, she is in Cincinnati, in fact I ought to get off my lazy ass and go ride here shortly. She is 18 years old and still jumping and dragging me around the arena at times. She is currently fuzzy as all get out, she grew her winter coat essentially overnight. She looks even more stuffed animal like than usual.

I'm now doing a Masters instead of PhD. Did you know PhD's take FOEVA to finish? Because they do. I don't want to be in school until I'm 30. Also to be honest in engineering I don't think there is much of a difference between PhD's and Masters except for the # of years you permit yourself to be subjected to the mental anguish of graduate school also known as limbo between college and the adult world (sure sure PhD's have more insight and detailed knowledge of their project, but seriously, it's just a # of years suffering in a lab). What am I doing? What the hell is my project really? Why am I here when I could get paid 3-4x my stipend with a real job? Why am I the only American girl in this entire program? Why won't that one professor believe me when I say I'm a graduate student, after asking me the same question 4 or 5 times? Why does this campus's food choices suck? Would it be so hard to have a Wendy's? The list of hard pressing, important questions goes on.

But I think I'm on track to finish in the spring or at the latest the summer. Currently my work is titled "Conjugation of HER2 Monoclonal Antibodies to PEG-PLGA Nanoparticles". Yep. Doesn't make much sense to me most of the time either. It's for drug delivery stuff, like...targeted drug delivery towards the treatment of cancer, specifically breast cancer. Sounds way cool, right? Totes would be if ANY OF MY LAB WORK WORKED EVER. Ahem. In fairness a few small parts of it do. Just not any of the new, novel parts that would be publishable. Wah.

On a different note, I get to plan my wedding, set for November of 2012. I LOVE PLANNING THINGS. This is like, the planner's dream. SO MANY THINGS TO ORGANIZE AND PLAN (insert maniacal laughter here). So far it's been fun. I'll let you know when it gets stressful and I have to sacrifice a bridesmaid for the greater good. The day will come, I am sure.

Chemistry fun fact of the day: Chocolate milk. Do you like chocolate milk? I think it's gross to be honest. I'm also the weirdo that refuses to drink the milk from my cereal bowl because it's all sweetened and whatnot from the cereal. Nasty. But do you make your chocolate milk yourself or do you buy the big jugs of it, because those big jugs of it kind of gross me out. Here's why: when milk doesn't sell and it reaches its sell-by date, it gets sent back to the manufacturer. Where they repasturize it and then add the chocolate flavoring to mask the fact that it's now much thicker than it was and would taste funny as just regular milk. Basically they kill all the stuff that's grown inside it that's now bad for you...but leave it there. So they cover up the funky taste with chocolate. Gross. I would suggest buying Hershey's syrup for your chocolate milk desires in the future, mostly because that grosses me out. Also, bonus, this can be added to ice cream for extra chocolate-y deliciousness. Or squirted on to various body parts during...wait wrong blog.

My latest picture of Lemony, the best pony ever:

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